We are happy to announce that we will be a part of the fist Pirate Fest in Rotenhain, Germany!
For the fist time we will play in Valais We will board the stage of the Moshpit Music Club in Naters. No presale available.
We are honored to once again support the Privateer! On February 11th we are sailing into the epic Metbar in Lenzburg to have a feast. Grab your pineapples and join us on this quest: http://www.eventfrog.ch/11012025
AVAST CREW! Another quest has risen from the horizon! On May 11th We’ll board the mighty Kantine Bülach for the last time before it has to close. Together with Morgarten and Divension!
Come along and have a party with us! Tickets are available on Eventfrog: https://eventfrog.ch/de/p/konzert/hard-rock-heavy-metal/morgarten-calarook-divension-7171245606215579901.html
Iberian buccaneers beware! We are most delighted to announce that we will be performing at this year’s Laurus Nobilis Festival in Portugal! We are looking forward to presenting our Helvetic Pirate Metal in new waters. Portugal, we are coming for you!
Since we are already around there another Quest with the mighty Red Dum lays before us. Liverpool we are coming!
It seems like we are staying a little bit longer in the UK! We are thrilled to play with such awesome bands! Get your Tickets now and have a YARRR-party with us!
We are heading towards dark waters! The honor is ours to announce our appearance alongside Rotting Christ, Finntroll, Cult of Fire and Ghörnt in Lucern next year. Two bands are still to be announced! Are you as excited as we are?